Search results for "military posts" : 1142 matches.
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Abstract : [March 25, 1758.] Versailles. [Royal memoir], defining the respective powers of Kerlérec and Rochemore and stating in what branches of government they are to act conjointly: military affairs; Indians; fortifications; artillery; navigation; finances; justice; land grants; police; agricultural matters, indigo, rice, cotton, silk, tobacco; making of pitch and tar; commerce with France, Spain, and islands; religion; hospitals. 18pp. AC., C 13, 40:4.(Miss.)

Abstract : April 30, 1746. Versailles. Minister to Vaudreuil and Lenormant. Ordinance prohibiting the transportation of negroes to the Illinois country; rules for expenses of posts; receipts for storehouse supplies; honors for Saucier and Augias; passage to Louisiana for family of Barbey, a faux saunier. 2pp. AC., B 83:315. (LC.)

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